Tuesday, July 26, 2011

F9M is ONE!!! and Counting...

Yep yep! F9M is one today maehn...and counting... I mos def ain't goin anywhere anytime soon! Rest assured...
It has been a good run thus far, if I do say so myself...
went from an average of a thousand visits a week; less than ten blog followers; less than fifty fans on facebook; etc etc to: an average of twenty three thousand visits a week(could get more ya?); over seventy blog followers and counting;and over eighth hundred fans on facebook and counting...
I'm awesomely grateful to u guys (english)...the 'thank you's' and encouraging messages and support (south shout to Koboko tha Chiefwhip, T-Twyne, 9jamusic.wapka.mobi, Lawkey)...makes me...feel not so alone up in here... BElieve me, half the time I feel like 'm blogging to meself...*bla bla bla*
Any specials? U bet:
For the next seven days, u guys can join the F9M facebook fanpage and drop requests for songs and I will find them and upload links to them during the weekend.
Now remember it has to be through the fanpage on facebook and the request should be for a Nigerian song...*duh!*
I will be posting a song later today for your listening pleasure...
Hapi bufdei F9M! U can drop your own birthday wishes too...so l won't feel like the only wierdo up in here...

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