Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Word from nedJamez


Hey y’all,
nedJamez here!
‘tis been a while since I actually dropped some words of maown here on zis blog. I’ll try to KISS (keep it short & simple).
Before I say the thangs I wann say... I must really thankall o’ you guyz, F9Mers! Y’all areawesome... I appreciate z luv n support, even tho ma posts have not been timelylately. I promise to perk up that area. Shh! O 2 da k! Cutting to z chase...

I wann start wif an apology to everyone. I do know that I’vebeen slipping when it comes to being timely wif ma posts...being havingconnection probs n...neva mind!
I promise things will go back to the way they were when Istarted F9M!
I also apologise to artists n outfits that may have sent mea song to be posted here n I didn’t do so on time or at all... I’m totallysowi! I hope to do better in z near future...Thanks!

My biggest and no 1 objective this year is to move F9M toits own domain (! Niiiiiice ya? Then, I would be able toupload most, not all, of the songs from an album wifout fear of...shh! I juswann make good Nigerian (and pan-African) Music available to all men!
I also plan on adding a Free 9ja Music Video Downloadsection too. I also plan on making it possible for users to upload songs andadd to F9M’s library. Free online promotion n campaign for upcoming artists...
An online radio would be awesome too...
Other miscellaneous ish to be yadded later on include:Artist profiles, Gist, Music/Album Reviews, nedJamezsez...

I hope to close wif a few requests or appeals.
First off, to theartists, while sending any material to nedJamezfor posting, please add a link to the already uploaded song. It can be uploadedanywhere e.g.:,,,,,etc. I just need a link to the uploaded file (e.g. any other info you would like to be included... Holla!
To y’all F9Mers, I would like just a few fromthangs from y’all... Tell someone about watchu enjoying from zis here blog( Then while surfing z blog, you could drop acomment telling nedJamez and others:if you experienced any problem downloading a song; about a downloaded song youreally liked...
To everyone, asmuch as I hate doing it, I humbly yask for donations to help take F9M to the next level. I hope to put theafore mentioned things in place before the second half of this year.
Donations could be in any of the following forms: cash;airtime; domain name and or hosting; etc... anything that would help! Pleasecontact me for any further info. Thanks in advance!
I also call on all corporate bodies, record labels, artists,media houses to come place their ads on F9M at a very low rate.
Happy New Year (arrears)...Happy Valentine’s Day...and Iwish you a most fulfilling year ahead!

(234) 8034465027

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